Tuesday, 9 October 2012

End of module 1 report

I have completed all the tasks. Things i need to impove on are-
*Presentation skills - put into prezi
*on my band images i need to annotate some more, and perhaps do it as a montage
*website analysis needs to be a bit more in depth.

I would overall grade my blog as C3 being the lowest C.
Out of 20 i would grade my blog as 11/20
I think the level of my blog would be an over all low level 3.

need to re-do
-references and inspirations: intertextual references

TARGETS: Knowing where I'm at and where I'm going...

My AS coursework and exam mark combined is:  171/200   and my result is steady A2.

I was at the target grade of B1. This means i improved 4 levels higher than expected.

160 marks to get an A
140 marks to get a B
120 marks to get a C

Foundation production (coursework)
89/100 = grade A

Exam results (TV drama/Music Industry)
82/100 - grade A

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

What can i do to improve my grade and level this year?
- I need to set time targets and dates, and remember them!!
- I have to find motivation, and just get it done.
- More relaxed

Exam Board feedback
- Annotate blog posts / reflective comments 'Why have i done this?'
- continuity of fonts and titles

Pitch feedback

On 5th October Chloe and I sat in front of a green screen and gave our pitch. During the pitch Mr Barton gave us feedback on what he thought and the ideas he and on it. Doing it in front of the rest of the class also gave us an advantage because they then had the chance to give us ideas as well.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Digipak analysis - The Fray


I have linked this task above, at this moment in time, it will not let me embed the video.

Forerunner Images and Image analysis

After searching Forerunners Facebook, Twitter pages and website i compiled screen shots and images to show what sort of image they portray. 
This image was taken from their facebook page. It advertises the date of their
next gig and where it will take place.

These are various pictures i put into an online collage maker.  It gives an indie rock sort image from the black and white theme. Most of their pictures involve instruments and are performance photos. 

I put various pictures taken from youtube, their facebook page and twitter into an online collage maker.

These are the 3 album artworks for their EP album. They give you
the choice of which one you like the most when you buy their album

A picture taken at one of their gigs they took part in. 

A picture taken at one of their performances.