Monday, 10 September 2012

Prodigy - Firestarter

Below is the Prodigy's video of 'Firestarter'. I analyzed the video picking out a shot for each: 
-Music linking to video
-Lyrics linking to video
-Genre linking to video
and the close ups linking to the video. 


In the  still shot above, he was jumping up and down to the beat which links the music to the video. Throughout the video he is lip syncing to the video. The lighting also links into the beat o the music. Low key lighting

CU of the lead character gives us an image to associate with the band. The lead character has his hair spiked up at the corners. This makes the character look devil like with devil horns. 

'Twisted animator' and 'twisted fire starter' are used in the lyrics, and as he says 'twisted', in the shot above, he points to his head to say as if he was twisted in the head/mentally ill. 

The 4 shots above were edited to be fast and edgy. This reinforces the genre of punk, and dance. Therefore i would genre this video as dance-punk. 
Angry voice, aggressive. Anarchist who breaks the rules/criminal activity. 
Rebellious nature - REBEL!

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