Monday, 10 September 2012

The Avalanches - 'Frontier Psychiatrist'

Could use old people because of old people having dementure, and mental illnesses.
There is a sepia filter over the video making it look vintage.

Here is the music video we analyzed.


(granny on drums) You can see and hear her playing the drums which links the video and music.

(teeth) The lyrics say 'and he made false teeth', and then a clip of false teeth are shown which links the video to the lyrics.

(skeleton) CU of skeleton, this can show image of the band being alternative

(old man pointing) A gangster pose reinforcing the genre of hip hop

(turtle man) CU can represent image of band being alternative

(man on keyboard) This links the video to the music, and also gives the genre of electronic

(man on a therapy chair) The lyrics say "lie down on the couch" and then there is a clip of a man lying down on a couch

(men playing instruments) the sound of the instrument is focused on when the video links with the music

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